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Sunday, June 20, 2010

dull gold heart

I think it's safe to say yesterday was epic.
I woke up, checked my email for the first time in about a month, and realized this thing I entered ages ago just for the hell of it - to get into the SCION NXNE Showcase at Wrongbar.. I was drawn for. So in an attempt to get Kristina out of bed, and into the world I told her she was coming with me. The show was for Surfer Blood, Mannequin Men, Les Savy Fav, The Grates and Meligrove Band. 
Sarah came over and we headed over to Dundas Square for the free show to see Surfer Blood and Wavves. I missed Wavves ages ago, so I was super stoked on finally getting to see them live. And Surfer Blood we'd gone to see in Brookyln.. but I didn't get to actually see them then, so I was so stoked to see them live this time. and can I just say that they're amaazzing live? Their awkward stage banter is priceless too. aand The photos I took of Dundas Square aren't even close to how packed it got later, but I bailed before then. We headed home, dropped my nikon off and headed over to Wrongbar. So we got there, walked around back, and got in thru the back door. Wrongbar has a kitchen? Wasn't aware of this. 
The show at Wrongbar was amazing, there's something about NXNE that seems to make all of the bands playing all that more excited to play. 
I'd never seen Les Savy Fav live before.. that was probably one of the most entertaining performances I have ever seen haha. I would have taken more photos but I only had my blackberry on me. 
Kristina ended up leaving early, and I spent the rest of my time at Wrongbar with Jill. Such a good day/night. So exhausted I headed home just before 4 versus going out with Sarah and her friends. The shit show that is the MMVA's are tonight? We might walk by, Cody wanted to see a bit of them. But right now I think I'm headed over to Trinity Bellewoods with Sarah, she wanted to drink tallboys and see the last day of music in the park. and later I gotta go out for drinks with some girls from school. Miss the fashion students! I also think I'm gonna have to wear moccasins today, my feet were destroooyed by the shoes I've been wearing lately. 
I think I'll bring my camera, who knowss.

Here's some of the bands I saw yesterday that you should check out:

anyway, here's some shots from yesterday, enjoy :)

eating a sub while standing. #fail. 


Highwaisted said...

woo! yeah! les savy fav is amaze. cute blog!

Sam said...

aww! thanks lady!

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