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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

there's that static again,

So I'm reading this book. It's pretty much amazing. I didn't think books could be so horrifyingly real - but this one is.

it's called Wasted and it's probably one of the best books I've ever read. I picked it up after I grabbed some Starbucks with Sarah before she went to work. After she got on the streetcar I figured I was close enough to the Scotiabank Chapters to grab a book for the hell of it, remembered I heard this one was amazing and after a lot of confused sam faces while drinking some serious coffee I found it. (It seriously took awhile..I really need to start wearing my contacts.)

anywho. I really recommend it, especially if you want a serious perspective on a disease way too many people have to deal with - and far too many will dismiss way too easily. I'd let Jess borrow it after me but she cried reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. haha


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