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Monday, June 21, 2010

"4am last call? dangerous."

..aka the theme of nxne.
(I've heard SO many people utter those words the past week. hahaha)

Tonight was pretty random/traumatizing/awsome.
I ended up watching a bit of the MMVA's, Melanie came over, as well as Christina and Sarah. We all walked around College for a bit, they got gelato and Melanie and I headed over to a bar for Dena's 22nd. Pretty much avoided going in, then when Dena dragged me in I got hit on way too much by so many dudes in brazil shirts. Terrifying. Especially terrifying sober. Bailed, walked around with Melanie, ended up heading over to Sneaks for a pitcher and some vegan nachos (she'd never been there - still surprised by this). It turned out to be a really decent night actually. Random nights are the best ones. So sleepy now, filming the first no dice video tomorrow.. hilarious.

Sleeps for now!


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