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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the vanishing act.

Were you surprised that we never spoke?

Then in the still of the night
when nothing stirs
I woke and I gathered up some clothes.
I never planned on this but its the way it goes
and now it all seems so familiar like pages turned on calendars
we get the same twelve months to fuck things up year after year-
and i can't believe how down i am like the well i'm being lowered in,
now water stops, the bucket drops us farther and farther down.

Well i guess that you never knew me, or at least not well enough.
So i fill my gut with dark red wine until my brain shuts off and my eyes go blind.
You won't see me there in that thick black air

yeah i'll finally make something disappear.
Because i've been practicing disappearing.
and i think that i've got it down.


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