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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today is shaping up to be a very random but interesting one.
I finally got my shit together around 3, texted Cody asking her what she was up to.
 Kristina refused to get out of bed again and I was antsy to walk around since it was super nice out. 
I ended up getting a text from Kristen saying she was in Kensington with Caroline, so I walked over before heading over to Starbucks to catch up with Cody. I headed over to Starbucks, got a venti half sweet passion tea lemonade (if you haven't had one of these.. do it. They're cheap and SO good.) And headed back over to Kensington.
Ran into Kristen and Caroline again, headed over to the sunglass/hat stands on Augusta ($5 sunglasses and super cheap hats) Kristen picked me out a straw fedora (necessary if you have black hair in ridiculous heat haha) Chantel met up with all of us, Cody headed over to work, and Chantel and I headed over to Rotate This.
We walked around Queen for a bit, and headed home. 
I ended up walking over to Red Room with Kristina because I was craving pad thai and coffee. We walked back to Kensington to meet up with Jess who I haven't seen in TWO days (very long time when you've lived with someone for over two years haha) back down to Queen to get Kristina some hair dye stuff, Starbucks, and back home.
Heading over to 751 later, I'll probably bring my camera, so more photos to come :)


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