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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

hot knives

So last night two of my favourite people, Lily & Jill, were djing 751. 
Cody headed over to my house after work, 
and we forced Kristina to get out of bed and come out with us.
Soon as I walked into 751 I was handed a pint by Jill :)
Sweetest girl evarrr <3
BBM'd Dan, apparently they were at Wrongbar for some show.
I dont know who "Strike Anywhere" "Touche Amore" or "Bane" is but apparently that's what was going on there.. haha the word bane just makes me think of dog treats and I have no idea why.
We ended up walking over to Java for foods but found out the kitchen was closed at like 12? So Sneaks it was.
Vegan nachos ftw.
Pretty decent night.
Oh, and Dan is officially Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Voice, mannerisms and all. ahahahaha


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