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Thursday, June 17, 2010

late night walkarounds

So last night Cody headed over to my house after work, along with the most epic present ever - a box of starbucks Via Coffee! 

So excited about this haha.

 Just after Cody got in Steve came over and we all headed over to Java for some late night eats. Dan had been trying to get us all to head over to the Bovine after, but not even the coffee I ordered could keep me awake.
Despite this, he ended up appearing out of nowhere and shoving me into Kristina in our tiny booth (not exactly made for 3 across haha). After his failed attempt to get us to bail on Java he headed back over to Bovine, and we headed home. Oh! and a heads up, nodicemonopoly will soon be uploading videos. We'd talked about it for a while, especially considering my youth mostly consisted of me throwing together videos of my friends I'm pretty stoked to get back on that. 

can't go wrong with cheap pitchers of steamwhistle :)

Today I mostly plan on hitting up some NXNE shows with Kristen, roadtripping it for Anthony's birthday thing with Kristina, Cody + Steve and who knows what else. I'll be sure to bring my camera this time. Kirk is playing for NXNE tomorrow too, so I think that's what we're all going to end up doing Friday, Saturday is going to be Iggy Pop, Surfer Blood and Wavves, and Sunday Dena's birthday - aka drinking with some of my favourite fashion students. I'll try to document as much as I can. I'm sure it'll be a very interesting weekend to say the least. :)


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