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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the usual.

here are a few photos from lastnight, more to come!

it took me forever to realize i was in this photo hahaha

hangover breakfast please.

last night was hilariously fun.
I woke up realizing i'd been tucked in haha
texted jess to make sure she was ok cause she wasn't home?
all i want in life right now is breakfast food. om nom nom.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

figuring out where I stand.

Dazed and confused would be putting it lightly. I'm scatterbrained as ever, and trying to figure out if I'm passing up opportunities due to fear or hesitating because of bullshit from before. This summer is for the books, and sure, I've done some shit I didn't think I ever would, but I think that's been for the better. I think I just need to stop holding myself back, and just say fuck it. Easier said than done, I guess.

heavy hearts.

pretty summer shoes please.

I really need to stock up on some serious summer shoes. 
It's way too hot for my favourite boots, and I really don't like walking around in worn out moccasins, especially since I live in cut offs and baggy shirts. Cute shoes will make even the most boyish of outfits feminine. Which means I'll feel less like I just rolled out of bed, even though that's probably exactly what I did. :) haha

the world according to Ved.

safe = ok.
solid = ok.
gurrrrrrrrrl = is like. oh noooooooo she didn't. the amount of the r's implies the intensity.
gurlbye = fuck that.
whughever = when something is sooo whack it gets both an ugh and a whatever.
bwaaaaaaaaaah = the sound i make or type on the internet when reach super frustration.
outcraygeous, adj. = out of control, crazy (and generally gay) can have both negative and positive connotations.

..and according to me?
ved = priceless. haha

oh boy..

this is turning out to be a very interesting summer..

Monday, June 28, 2010

me in a nutshell?

yeahhh i can't get the video to be any smaller.. 
so double click on the video to open it in the youtube window.
music | cold war - the morning benders

chroma & serenade.

view the cast spots here!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

support So Squared on MTV!

do me a huge favour and click the link, share it on twitter, facebook, anything helps! <3

did someone say G20?

So Steph's friend filmed and edited this of the protest, it was featured here on the national post website. Brilliantly edited, really protrays the shit that's been going down here.

Oh ps: on my way to Sneaks last night I ran into my friend who had been tear gassed. Cody got locked into the Eaton Centre for hours, and right now if you've so much as walked past Queen and Spadina you're now standing in the rain surrounded by riot police (even if you merely live in the area and were walking home or something). Apparently they can detain and arrest you if you haven't even done anything. This weekend has been ridiculous. You can't even walk around without knowing if you're gonna be harassed or detained for reason's you aren't told.

and why not.

family photos much?

because I couldn't sleep.

toronto is a shit show.

Incase you haven't seen the news.. the G8/G20 thing is going down in Toronto right now. My neighbourhood is pretty much locked down, cops are everywhere and shit like cop cars getting set on fire seems to have become a usual event today (four i think?)

Here's some photos from the day (these haven't been taken my me - but by my friends. I have some photos on my Nikon but Sarah has my computer atm)

my favourite Starbucks at Queen + John. :(

(yes, that's a cop car on fire in the distance..)

Pretty much College to Queen and Yonge to Spadina/Bathurst is a complete and utter shit show. 

My friend was working in the American Apparel on Yonge when the rioters decided to smash the windows in and take the mannequins - they had to be evacuated. Pretty much everywhere in that little square of downtown is either trashed, has been, or is boarded up. It definitely doesn't feel like Toronto.

Funny though, the first thing that came to my mind when I found out about the riots was if Sneaky Dees was ok. (It was - and it was open. Lindsey actually BBM'd me from Europe to tell me Sneaks was open after BBM'ing the bouncers she's friends with. I went for some beer and vegan nachos with dan later that day haha).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

in the aeroplane over the sea.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Squared Anchors.

hilarious video coming soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

new favourite summer beer.

omg so delicious.

So we walked to Sneaks.. said hi to some people but it was waaaay too packed so we headed over to Nirvana. Premium bottles of beer were only $3.45 or something tonight, so I tried this one for the hell of it.. ended up buying a few. SO GOOD. I highly recommend at least trying it once this summer. New favourite forsure.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

earthquakes? wuts this noise.

Sam: "I just wokeup cause it felt like my bed was moving.. wtf?"

Dan: "I know you wanted to share the pull out couch with me. I keep seeing tweets about an earthquake"


"you heard me"

"Canada doesn't have earthquakes?"

"it has... haha"

"haha well I guess I should wakeup then.
Nature, you bitch.

a little conversation with dan this morning.

Go Skateboarding Day