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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So sleepy. So stoked.

Life's not bad. Works pretty good, today I bought a giant bag of candy for everyone on my break and sort of just ate that the rest of my shift haha. I'm super stoked on my new leather jacket, can't wait for that to come in. and I think I'm gunna get that little tattoo soon ("all of that filthy empathy" on the inside of my forearm), and then set up the first appointment for the bigger grayscale one on the inside of my upper arm (I think that's where I want it?)

This is a crap/cropped version of the photo of my dad. But I wanna get him and his dog forsure.. I know that this was probably the happiest time in his life. All he ever talked about when I was growing up was him and his dog and this age. I want to keep that with me, and be reminded that everyone was happy at least once in their life. I never know when the next time I'll see my dad is, at least if I have this I'll sort of get to see him everyday :/

But anyhew. I wanna get that before christmas, or soon after. The money isn't really an issue anymore so it's all just about planning.

oh also, this morning I had my professor come up to me and be like "You probably get this alot, but you look soooo much like that girl from greys anatomy!" I asked her who, and she ended up telling me it was that sarah ramirez girl or something? I'd say she's gorgeous for a bigger girl.. but despite how large I think I am.. I KNOW I am not THAT big hahaha. Gave me a bit of a complex this morning.

Which led me to think of who I get told I look like alot.. which is the following (have a laugh at my expense will you?)

yeah I have no idea.

PS: Stoked on dinner/hangouts with two of my favourite girls tomorrow! Work and then hangouts with Kristen, who I haven't seen in weeks, and then off for foods or drinks with Jenna! Tomorrow should be good :)


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