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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my boots came in early!!

I was so stoked to come home from work to Leann telling me my boots showed up early!!

I now am the proud owner of these:
they make me so tall it's hilarious. Normally I'm about 5'4", but with these I'm eye to eye with my roomate, who's like 5'9". Pretty sweet deals being real people height!! That and the fact that despite they're about 5 inches high, they're the comfiest heels I've ever worn. Because the actual heel part of the shoe isn't very big, it feels more like a wedge, which is like 1000% more comfortable and easier to walk in than say stilettos. (Amazing since I HAAATE wedges). I got them for a pretty good deal too, I remember these going for like $600 bucks.

also, thanks to my friend and her tattoo shop carrying 1g tapers I'm now a 1g haha. (Not for long), I have a 0g taper but I'm a wimp so I'm easing into the bigger gauges. I've decided I wanna go bigger than 7/16ths, which was my initial goal. But the biggest I'm willing to go is 3/4". My puny noggin would look so off with anything bigger than that hahaha
Off to watch the Fugitive before I passout again. According to everyone it's amazing/oldschool and I need to see it. But I was too tired after getting home from sneaks lastnight and passsed out 20 minutes in hahaha

Also: New goal.. a new leatherjacket in the next 2 weeks aka this one:
and I think I'm gunna start saving up for a classic chanel flap bag by spring/summer. Yay purchases!


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