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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Get out of my house, asshole.

Note to dudes (drunk or otherwise): If you try to wander into a girls house TWICE while she's having people over, try to steal shit/get into fights when they tell you to leave, they catch you trying to steal and you still come back hours later to try again.. Just do everyone a favour and die. Hold your breath until it all goes black, I don't care. Just stop existing.

I had some shithead from U of T try this on me tonight. I hate that I acted like an adult and didn't hit him like I should have. I love how when I'm completely sober I have to deal with guys like this. Yes, I'm aware I'm short.. you standing over me and screaming in my face and threatening me doesn't make me anymore aware of this, just more aware of how clear a shot I have at your throat.

I was sitting on the porch of my house with some people and these guys wander into the house lobby, half way up the stairs, and then down again and decide the door into my house looks like a good idea. I walked after them telling them to get out, that I lived there and that I didn't know who they were. This one guy decides that the smart thing to do is to stand over me, insult how I look (keep in mind this guys wearing like walmart/campus crew shit, looks like he fell out of the suburbs) and scream at me that I should go turn the music off and tell everyone to leave if he's not allowed in. That him hearing music is an invitation for him to come into my house.. (Seriously.. Pretty sure I laughed at him when he said this) 

Oh, and kicking the beers on the porch during your temper tantrum while storming outside after I call you out on trying to steal shit isn't the best way to go about things. 

Sometimes I wonder why I always have to be the mature one. How old am I again?


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