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Friday, September 3, 2010

because I'm awkward.

Stoked. I'm a wimp but I've got my itty bitty ears between a 6g and a 4g now. I started at like 18g, Jess had to re-pierce my ears pretty much haha

Please ignore the fact that I look like a boy haha


I got my schedule for work, 31 hours a week isn't bad :)
with school on top of this I'm going to be a busy bee.

I'm pretty excited to be working though, this means I can finally save up for the 3/4 sleeve I've wanted since forever. I plan on getting that sorted out in a few months. I plan on dragging my faux-adopted brother Connor with me cause it's his tattoo artist I'll be going to for this little endeavour. This kid's got the best tattoos I've seen, 100% the style I'd want. Not that I don't think the people I know who have tattoos have awsome tattoos, I just know that this is the look/style I've always wanted on me.

This weekend is gonna be a bit of a bummer cause I was supposed to go to my old Starbucks manager's wedding with an old friend, but considering I'm kinda-sorta banned from my parents house that was a last minute bail on my behalf. Sucks. 

Otherwise, today's been pretty decent.
Wokeup to Jess and Lindsey yelling at me to get up and forcing me to not hermit haha
Went to Starbucks with Jess Lindsey and Steve for some pumpkin spice drinks (neccessary) and headed over to Adrenaline to get Jess' lip piercing redone.

Overall really decent :)


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