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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


20 minutes
  and I can get ready by the time heather gets over here after she closes up the tattoo shop. 
Side braids are my best friend. 
So are black skinnies and v-necks, apparently. 

A glass of wine while enjoying the view of the Honest Ed's lights from her patio for the second time in the past few days and through conversation I realize how much I've changed. 

In the past few months, I probably wouldn't be able to recognize the girl staring back at me from the mirror. 

And this isn't a bad thing.
I think I've really grown up.

Bad or good, everything has changed, like I guess I sort of knew it would.

This summer has been the most eventful yet, to say the least..


Just Sayin... said...

Change is the only constant.

I love this entry! I also love that you know who you are and like yourself. :)

much love xo

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