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Saturday, August 14, 2010

See ya Windsor.

Today I woke up, brushed my teeth, put my bikini on and swam for hours in the best pool ever. The past few days have been absolutely epic. I think wherever I am, if I'm around a solid group of friends (in this case, Lindsey, Cody, Jess and Piper) I'm guaranteed to have the best time. When everyone you're around is as chill as you are, no one complains. I honestly think that's the absolute best thing to be surrounded by. The past 3 days have consisted of the best food, "haunted" forest walks at 2am (on a Friday the 13th), walking around Detroit, a hot tub, and an awsome pool and beer. I couldn't have asked for a better time.

Tonight, after having the BEST meal with Lindsey's parents (seriously, I can't remember the last time I had such good home made food) we headed over to this cute little ice cream shop and then headed out. Not a bad day at all :)

more of Detroit?


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