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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'll only say it once, just let me turn the amps way up, so you can hear nothing.

Jess took some hilariously awkward photos of me in our backyard today hahaha Oh god I wish I was photogenic.. Anyway, have a laugh:

focus? psssht. If I can't why should a photo of me be, right? haha

oh man.

ALSO! I got to see Deerhunter at the opera house tonight. The show was absolutely amazing, and REAL ESTATE opened for them!! (I had no idea until about an hour before the show that this was true). SO fucking amazing. Best tuesday night ever? 

I also realized today that I have more American cash than Canadian. hahaha I need to exchange a bit so I can actually buy food. Realizing at 3am that all you've had is tea the past 2 days isn't as awsome as it sounds.

but yeah, listen to this. If you don't like it I scoff at you. hahaha :)
but seriously, it's absolutely amazing.


mariana said...

i love deerhunter!! they're amazing!

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