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Sunday, October 10, 2010

What do you mean it's 5am?

I had a good day,
and despite the fact that so many aspects of my life seem to be absolute shit right now, I'm oddly cheery. Maybe it's cause I saw my dad for a few seconds today. He hugged me and actually wouldn't let go haha

I bought a new philosophy book today from BMV on Queen after picking up some 1/2" Wood plugs from my friend's work - I brought her some Starbucks cause I love doing little things for people I care about :). I wish someone would bring me coffee to work hah

Also headed to H&M and picked up a few shirts and this insane layered necklace. 

Headed to Kensington Market to pickup some groceries for my mini thanksgiving with Melanie and Zach. Tofurky, Veggie friendly gravy, Garlic bread, Squash (and marshmallows for em according to steve this tastes good), corn on the cob, cranberries, tons of potatoes + sour cream, pumpkin pie and icecream :) I think that's it... I honestly can't remember. Also: on the way home from metro to pickup some stuff I couldn't get in Kensington my phone decided to go crazy in my pocket and text/call everyone and everything. Hilarious (to me now anyway) panicked voicemail from Ved worried I was being attacked or something- I definitely know who I'm calling if shit ever does go down though, he picked up the phone so fast when I called him back haha

Now I just have to make Zach cook most of it/all of it because I can't even make toast. I had to google how to cook a potato tonight because I wanted one and genuinely didn't know what to do hahaha

anyway! Sleep, then food, then Jenna's mom's house for a real thanksgiving cause I wasn't going to get one! Love when people surprise you and have your back for real.


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