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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Horror movies on tv all night. 
SO stoked for The Walking Dead premiere at 10pm on a channel I actually have.

(done! I promise it was amazing, the soy sauce made it look so dark.. aka. it's not burned haha)

Currently cooking an amazing Tofurky dinner! I headed over to the trusty Kensington Market this afternoon for everything. (Tofurkies are only 12 bucks at the organic store.) Best ever. I wanted to buy a pumpkin but whatever, this has still been the best halloween since I can remember (and I'm talking the last decade haha)

Lindsey also brought over her 5/8" spacers for me tonight, so I now have those in :) I think I'm gunna pick up some wood tunnels this week.. I don't think I'll be going any bigger than what I'm at now (5/8ths). I was thinking 3/4 of an inch but I think I'm pretty happy where I'm at. Now to stock up on some really nice plugs and tunnels!


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