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Saturday, August 28, 2010

clean slates.

So stoked!! Leann's moving in to the room my sister was living in, and I'm finally not unemployed ahaha.

I'm currently reading up on this course before school starts, trying to get ahead. I'm hopeful for this year, so far so good. I think my decision to split one year into two is really going to benefit me.

I think I learned a lot this summer, especially about people and how so many of them seem to show their true colours at exactly the wrong time. Oh well though, I'm surrounded by the best people I could be now, and I've separated myself from negative two-faced people and I'm so much happier for it :)

Hope everyone else had as eventful a summer as I have! and hopefully less dramatic haha

Monday, August 23, 2010

audio gold.

Only when I dream but there's no way out

You learn to talk, you learn to shout
Focus on depth that was never there
Eliminate what you can't repair

Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Life just passing, flash right thru me

See thru the wind to awakened stream
Adjust your eyes to the state of things
Focus on depths that was never there
Nothing's easy nothing's fair

Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Life just passing, flash right thru me

I never, saw it coming
waiting for something, for nothing
I never, saw it coming
waiting for something, for nothing 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why are you always smiling?

Peter Sullivan - Why are you always smiling? 
Connor Rooney - Cause it's all so fucking hysterical

Man, I feel like I watch the saddest movies. Or the brutally sad parts are just my favourite. (ie: the scene from Igby I posted earlier).

(Don't watch this if you haven't seen the movie, or don't want the ending to be ruined)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

days like this.

Steve's New House

This is what happens when my friends drink.

Literally an entire room of my friends singing this tonight. So hilarious.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Boots for Fall.

My favourite boots and shoes for fall feature lots of buckles, laces, and fringe. And of course the occasional croc print. :) Enjoy.

I'm not sure what the trouble was.

But me, I'm not a gamble 

You can count on me to split
The love I sell you in the evening 
By the morning won't exist.

And if you promise to stay conscious 
I will try and do the same
Yeah, we might die from medication 
But we sure killed all the pain.

See ya Windsor.

Today I woke up, brushed my teeth, put my bikini on and swam for hours in the best pool ever. The past few days have been absolutely epic. I think wherever I am, if I'm around a solid group of friends (in this case, Lindsey, Cody, Jess and Piper) I'm guaranteed to have the best time. When everyone you're around is as chill as you are, no one complains. I honestly think that's the absolute best thing to be surrounded by. The past 3 days have consisted of the best food, "haunted" forest walks at 2am (on a Friday the 13th), walking around Detroit, a hot tub, and an awsome pool and beer. I couldn't have asked for a better time.

Tonight, after having the BEST meal with Lindsey's parents (seriously, I can't remember the last time I had such good home made food) we headed over to this cute little ice cream shop and then headed out. Not a bad day at all :)

more of Detroit?

Friday, August 13, 2010

oh hey Detroit.

and then back to Windsor..
(for the best Pad Thai everrr)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm always down to get in a car and drive anywhere. I think I just always have this desire to bail on wherever I am. I don't think there's anything I love more than throwing whatever into a bag and just going anywhere with a couple friends. About a week ago over dinner at Java, Lindsey asked me if I wanted to come with her to Windsor - which I was 100% down for. 

So in her car Jess, Lindsey, Cody and I headed exactly there last night. 
I've never seen so much of nothing in my life, fields for days and the land was freakishly flat too. 

I realized when we got here I'd never been this south (or west?) in Canada before. My travels in my life have consisted of Ottawa, New York, and now I guess Windsor/Detroit. Sad? Maybe. But I guarantee you once school is done, I'll be impossible to keep track of.

So far so good. Beers in hot tubs, and swimming forever in the pool is definitely a good way to start the trip. We're going to some road tonight that's supposed to be all creepy or something (pretty sure Jess is terrified). The only thing I'm afraid of in relation to that is mosquitos haha

Stopping off in Detroit for a bit today, because why not? It's not even 20 minutes away.