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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Horror movies on tv all night. 
SO stoked for The Walking Dead premiere at 10pm on a channel I actually have.

(done! I promise it was amazing, the soy sauce made it look so dark.. aka. it's not burned haha)

Currently cooking an amazing Tofurky dinner! I headed over to the trusty Kensington Market this afternoon for everything. (Tofurkies are only 12 bucks at the organic store.) Best ever. I wanted to buy a pumpkin but whatever, this has still been the best halloween since I can remember (and I'm talking the last decade haha)

Lindsey also brought over her 5/8" spacers for me tonight, so I now have those in :) I think I'm gunna pick up some wood tunnels this week.. I don't think I'll be going any bigger than what I'm at now (5/8ths). I was thinking 3/4 of an inch but I think I'm pretty happy where I'm at. Now to stock up on some really nice plugs and tunnels!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spending my 21st in a loft in Bushwick?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Deerhunter and philosophy novels at 4:41am on a Wednesday.

and this

Monday, October 25, 2010

new glasses!

yay for being able to see!

Today I actually got to my 8am class on time today, did my midterm so well and finished 30 minutes early.. Met up with Cody after she was done work, got breakfast with her at Sneaky Dees, trekked to landsdown and bloor for new glasses, lurked Value Village while I waited for my lenses to be made, walked down to dufferin mall to kill time, got my glasses (I walked around entirely blind today), and now plan on heading out to see Jackass 3 tonight with a friend :)

Pretty decent day I'd say.

Can't wait to get my We Who See boots in the mail in the next couple of days!!

pretty little things.

I need to invest in some nice spacers/plugs what have you soon. I'm getting about to the end of stretching my ears. Right now I'm sitting between 9/16ths and 5/8ths of an inch. (I'm at 15mm)

I know I won't be going any bigger than 3/4 (19mm), if that.

also: I accidentally watched the movie Paranormal Entity instead of Paranormal Activity 2 thanks to a wrong link.. wups. Either way it was still better than Paranormal Activity.

Now to sleep, class at 8am.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

fall staples.

I bought these today because my favourite flats broke, aaand my favourite boots I got in nyc.
I needed something I could wear with my varsity jacket and my new danier leather jacket.. I think it worked out. :)

I decided to throw in the photo of my everyday bag cause these items are truly my every day items haha. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'll only say it once, just let me turn the amps way up, so you can hear nothing.

Jess took some hilariously awkward photos of me in our backyard today hahaha Oh god I wish I was photogenic.. Anyway, have a laugh:

focus? psssht. If I can't why should a photo of me be, right? haha

oh man.

ALSO! I got to see Deerhunter at the opera house tonight. The show was absolutely amazing, and REAL ESTATE opened for them!! (I had no idea until about an hour before the show that this was true). SO fucking amazing. Best tuesday night ever? 

I also realized today that I have more American cash than Canadian. hahaha I need to exchange a bit so I can actually buy food. Realizing at 3am that all you've had is tea the past 2 days isn't as awsome as it sounds.

but yeah, listen to this. If you don't like it I scoff at you. hahaha :)
but seriously, it's absolutely amazing.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I came home as someone else.

The terror I am stuck between,
Who I've been, 
and who I'm thinking I could be.

I was listening to a battle begin,
wondering which side would win.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Difference.

1/2" now, and I was so stoked on being such a tiny size about a month ago.
Not that 1/2" is very big. I'm not sure if I'm going to go much bigger anytime soon though.
Ps: My face looks weirdly large in the second photo? But whatever, as long as the difference in the spacers is clear haha

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What do you mean it's 5am?

I had a good day,
and despite the fact that so many aspects of my life seem to be absolute shit right now, I'm oddly cheery. Maybe it's cause I saw my dad for a few seconds today. He hugged me and actually wouldn't let go haha

I bought a new philosophy book today from BMV on Queen after picking up some 1/2" Wood plugs from my friend's work - I brought her some Starbucks cause I love doing little things for people I care about :). I wish someone would bring me coffee to work hah

Also headed to H&M and picked up a few shirts and this insane layered necklace. 

Headed to Kensington Market to pickup some groceries for my mini thanksgiving with Melanie and Zach. Tofurky, Veggie friendly gravy, Garlic bread, Squash (and marshmallows for em according to steve this tastes good), corn on the cob, cranberries, tons of potatoes + sour cream, pumpkin pie and icecream :) I think that's it... I honestly can't remember. Also: on the way home from metro to pickup some stuff I couldn't get in Kensington my phone decided to go crazy in my pocket and text/call everyone and everything. Hilarious (to me now anyway) panicked voicemail from Ved worried I was being attacked or something- I definitely know who I'm calling if shit ever does go down though, he picked up the phone so fast when I called him back haha

Now I just have to make Zach cook most of it/all of it because I can't even make toast. I had to google how to cook a potato tonight because I wanted one and genuinely didn't know what to do hahaha

anyway! Sleep, then food, then Jenna's mom's house for a real thanksgiving cause I wasn't going to get one! Love when people surprise you and have your back for real.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Arcade Fire, comfort in insomnia.

I used to write

I used to write letters
I used to sign my name
I used to sleep at night
Before the flashing lights settled deep in my brain
But by the time we met
The times had already changed
So I never wrote a letter
I never took my true heart
I never wrote it down
So when the lights cut out
I was left standing in the wilderness downtown

Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last

It seems strange
How we used to wait for letters to arrive
But what's stranger still 
Is how something so small can keep you alive
We used to wait
We used to waste hours just walkin around
We used to wait
All those wasted lives in the wilderness downtown

Oh we used to wait
Sometimes it never came
Oh we used to wait
Sometimes it never came
Oh we used to wait
Still moving through the pain

I'm gonna write a letter to my true love
I'm gonna sign my name
Like a patient on a table
I wanna walk again
Gonna move through the pain

Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last

Oh we used to wait
Sometimes it never came
Oh we used to wait
Sometimes it never came
Oh we used to wait
Still moving through the pain

We used to wait for it
Now we're screaming
Sing the chorus again

I used to wait for it
Hear my voice screaming
Sing the chorus again

Wait for it

sick little dog.

The only reason I wokeup/got out of bed today was because I had to work. I'm sooo sick. Work again tomorrow, and then seeing if Danier's delivered my jacket yet. So ridiculously excited/impatient about that. 

On another note: This weekend's thanksgiving. I won't be attending my family dinner for the second year in a row, I'll probably end up having a mini thanksgiving dinner to myself, and watch movies all day. Or buy the new walking dead book and read that.. :) ALSO! Realized I have the channel The Walking Dead will be aired on, so excited about this. I've been taping my ears so I should be 7/16ths or bigger (probably bigger) by the end of the week.

for now? Chai tea with vanilla almond milk and movies til I fall asleep. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nuit what?

a little blip of what I do remember from saturday night.

I didn't get out of bed for 2 days after this. The first time I left my house was today for java eats with Jenna. Oh man.