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Saturday, July 10, 2010

christmas came early.

well, my music search has been successful. found some albums I wasn't a huge fan of (emeralds) aaand a few I actually really really love.

fang island is one of them. just take a listen:
can't. stop. listening.

I've never met someone who doesn't like the shins. I love the shins. and I especially love satellite bands. I never really listened to broken bells (I've heard them but never had them on my itunes). That has changed. Take a listen, and try to tell me you're not hooked.

if isaac brock and conor obest had a baby, cymbals eat guitars would be it.
one of my new favourites for sure. why there are mountains is a stunning album to say the least. you really need to give it a listen.

real estate, solid band. very interesting.

this particular band reminds me so much of conor oberst. titus andronicus seems to be a band i'm immediately obsessed with. and lucky me, they're playing here in 4 days for 13 bucks. :)


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