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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

a glance.

my desk currently, 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's just so damn good.

I've been listening to the newest Wavves Album so much lately. Here's a sample of my addiction.
You're welcome :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

ferocious mopes.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the greatest.

I kind of wish someone had thought to record me and Kristina after getting our wisdom teeth out a few years back. The happiest moments of my life were spent in that recovery room, hands down. haha sad but true.

oh hey nostalgia.

So me and Kristina recently mentioned how odd we were as kids, and how messed up some of the movies we were obsessed with as children (think 8 years old and under) were. So here's a brief summary of some of the things I was obsessed with as a child..

this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about.

it's kinda messed up how good this song is.

video's not the greatest, but the songs what you should be paying attention to. so good. the lyrics are gold.

You go for a walk in the park 'cause you don't need anything
Your hand that you sometimes hold doesn't do anything
The face that you see in the door isn't standing there anymore

In a matter of time, it would slip from my mind
In and out of my life, you would slip from my mind
In a matter of time

The face that you saw in the door isn't looking at you anymore
The name that you call in its place isn't waiting for your embrace
The world that you love to behold cannot hold you anymore

In a matter of time, it would slip from my mind
In and out of my life, you would slip from my mind
In a matter of time

Monday, July 19, 2010

David Bowie's son directed an indie sci-fi movie about the moon. (and you should probably watch it)

So 4 am rolled around again, and I found myself watching a movie just for the hell of it. Stumbled upon a movie called "moon", figured what the hell, I've seen everything else on here and watched it. Stupid name, AMAZING movie. It's about ethics, greedy/messed up corporations, and I guess just plain old humanity. It actually made me laugh a few times (not sure if this is simply because I have a messed up sense of humour). Anyway, I really recommend watching this movie, it's definitely not what I expected it to be.
"Moon is a 2009 british science fiction film about a man who experiences a personal crisis as he nears the end of a three-year solitary stint mining helium-3 on the far side of the Earth's moon. It is the feature debut of director Duncan Jones. Sam Rockwell stars as the employee Sam Bell, and Kevin Spacey voices his robot companion, GERTY. Moon premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and was released in selected theatres in New York and Los Angeles on 12 June 2009." Thanks Wikipedia. haha

Sunday, July 18, 2010

abandon ship.

I bailed on the city for a little while again. 
Sometimes you just need to get out for a bit.

I gotta get my head straight.

everything is illuminated.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

the movement of a hand.

Soon all the joy that pours from everything
Makes fountains of your eyes
Because you finally understand the movement of a hand
Waving you goodbye. 

GH Graffiti Show @ 498 Queen Street West.