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Saturday, May 7, 2011

home decorating ideas?

So in my procrastination of actually packing for my new apartment, I've been lurking home design/decorating blogs and I have to say I've come across some ideas I really like. Most notably the vintage sidetable/drawers that are painted a musterd like yellow. Especially since my apartment is a lighter brown/grey colour with a bunch of espresso coloured furniture.

I'm definitely picking up some of those baskets I posted at the top for my shelf (which is also dark brown/black in colour) to make the contents of that shelf hidden in an organized/neat way.

On another note, I really like the idea of incorporating a floating shelf to hold tea and the like  in jars that have been screwed into the base of the shelf. Very interesting!

such a blurry picture hahaha, but other than how much of a mess that room is right now (the oven definitely isn't going to be there when I move in - they're redoing the kitchen atm) I think I'll end up putting a shelf like this (complete with s hooks for my mugs, and jars for my tea) just above where the oven is in this photo. Making cute use of a small space!

I think the colours I'll use in my new place will revolve around teals and mustard orange/yellows. I'm huge into those two colours recently and since this

is about the colour of my new place the teal and orange/yellows should go great with it. Especially since I'll be using dark wood and wicker to add texture to the apartment.


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