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Sunday, May 22, 2011


The old and the new.

Well, for all of those with the glorious vision I lack - I'm in need of new glasses. That's the thing about actually needing to wear glasses - it's not so much a choice as a necessity. 


Since I am one of those unfortunate enough to actually need glasses to see, I've been searching for a pair that I find classic but something I won't get bored of so easily. I'm especially fond of mixing items of clothing that are originally very masculine and mixing it with feminine aspects (boy blazers with cute flats or skirts and blouses). 
The thing with glasses is when you're wearing the things everyday without any other options you get bored of them reeeeaally fast.

Sooo here's what I've been looking at. Yes, not the most original on this one but they're classic for a reason. I'm especially fond of the tortoise shell styles - more so than the solid black as I already have black hair, and I feel like tortoise is more feminine. Here's a look:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

home decorating ideas?

So in my procrastination of actually packing for my new apartment, I've been lurking home design/decorating blogs and I have to say I've come across some ideas I really like. Most notably the vintage sidetable/drawers that are painted a musterd like yellow. Especially since my apartment is a lighter brown/grey colour with a bunch of espresso coloured furniture.

I'm definitely picking up some of those baskets I posted at the top for my shelf (which is also dark brown/black in colour) to make the contents of that shelf hidden in an organized/neat way.

On another note, I really like the idea of incorporating a floating shelf to hold tea and the like  in jars that have been screwed into the base of the shelf. Very interesting!

such a blurry picture hahaha, but other than how much of a mess that room is right now (the oven definitely isn't going to be there when I move in - they're redoing the kitchen atm) I think I'll end up putting a shelf like this (complete with s hooks for my mugs, and jars for my tea) just above where the oven is in this photo. Making cute use of a small space!

I think the colours I'll use in my new place will revolve around teals and mustard orange/yellows. I'm huge into those two colours recently and since this

is about the colour of my new place the teal and orange/yellows should go great with it. Especially since I'll be using dark wood and wicker to add texture to the apartment.

cool juniper.

I'm getting cabin fever in this place.
