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Monday, May 31, 2010

the view from the afternoon

yesterday was such a busy day. but a pretty damn good one.

i wokeup super early (7am? whaaat) and apparently had fallen asleep on my parents couch in an attempt to stay awake and do laundry. so i had to do that as fast as i could before the dadskies drove us back downtown.

soon as i got home jess told me her and sarah were headed to redroom and asked if i wanted to come.. pretttty much if you know me at all, you're aware i can never turn redroom down. so after my poor blackberry briefly charged back to life (it had been here all week because i'd forgotten it on my bed) i attempted to bbm etc everyone who'd thought i'd been ignoring them since wednesday. kristen's voicemail was probably the best, something along the lines of "SAM! I MISS YOU! If you're asleep right now i'm gunna punch you! come hangout!" best ever. I love how everyone always assumes i'm asleep.. probably because I usually am.

anyhew.. to redroom it was - i got veggie rolls - which i am inlove with, even though they consist of basically lettuce and ricepaper. super cheap also. om nom. heather met up with us soon as we paid our bill, and  her and i headed over to the lcbo to grab some tallboys to take to the kensington park.

i'm never aware of what day it is, so walking through kensington was ridiculous as it was like 27 degrees out and sunny - and pedestrian sunday. sooo swarms of people, stands of people making every food you could think of, live music everywhere. totally forgot what kensington market was like in the summer.

ended up running into a few people there, especially random was an old friend selena, who apparently works at some new restaurant right near the grilled cheese place. she said they were filming something for the food network there, about the opening of the place, so that topped off the randomness. all i could think of was how bad it would suck to be wearing that much clothing in that heat. they didn't look too stoked on life.

so after that little run in i went to the grilled cheese with heather, and then to grab a new pair of sunglasses because well why the hell not :). after that we headed over to sarahs new place. she's got the sweetest apartment now too, so we stayed a bit, drank some beers, and headed over to the park.

the thing about kensington park, is it's totally different than bellewoods. so full of chill hippies vs. well, everyone else? i love both though.

everyone headed over to sit with us at some point, so our little circle gradually grew. soon as it got dark i headed over to reggie's for the peter franco sneakers going away party. hadn't seen willis or reggie in ages so that was good, i never knew how crazy amazing their apartment view is either. we sat on the balcony, drank a bit and headed out. what to do after all of this? we headed over to sneaks of course! i got the most intense amount of vegan food i could hardly eat it. but it was amazing.

probably one of the most random/exhausting days so far. but a really good start to summer. i love summer in this city, and i really think it's gunna be a good one :)


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