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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

as of late

so me and kristina have decided to eat as vegan as we can.
so far so good. 
especially now that there's soy frappuccinos 
(such a win when you're craving sweet food).

these photos i've snapped with my blackberry but soon as i actually get around to finding the cord for my nikon in my room there will be many more.

i've become addicted to veggie wraps. they're super cheap, and pretty much only consist of rice paper and some veggies (duh) lettuce and i think rice noodles? not a huge fan of sauces though, all for the better probably. 

jess made some intensely good vegan pancakes (since we couldn't find a waffle maker for under 50 bucks haha) 

and i surprisingly feel less like i'm dying lately. ish. who knew working out and eating healthy could help? (now i should probably work on a normal sleep schedule..)

so here are some of the highlights, as of late. 


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