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Saturday, April 3, 2010

i'll take that to go..

sooo wokeup at 9am even tho i went to bed at 4am. not sure how that works out but i definitely went back to sleep and wouldn't wakeup til like 2pm, when my dad randomly walked into my room and asked me how i was doing, and why i wasn't going to easter dinner. i mumbled something about too much homework and went back to sleep. i don't think he's ever even seen my room.

decided i was gunna just crash the couch today until i realized how depressing it is to sit at home alone all day watching tv. so i bbm'd lindsey and found out her and cody were at java drinking pitchers. got my shit together and headed over. i don't know how i managed it but i haven't seen the sun in two days. had a pint and got some pad thai to go.

got home, watched tv ate some pad thai, and got a call from jill. i was gunna go to the dogs bullocks with her til i realized i have no energy, it was super windy and i was supposed to have my illustrations done today..

so she came over for a bit. we took some shots of tequila and she headed over to the bar.

now i'm just sleepy.


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