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Thursday, April 29, 2010

tell me what you know about night terrors

I'm on the pursuit of happiness
 and I know everything that shines
 ain't always gonna be gold

I'll be fine once I get it, 
I'll be good.

Friday, April 23, 2010

what does marsellus wallace look like?

never gets old.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i need to sleep more.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

oh hey mccallum

so i guess i'm doomed, thanks nick hornby.

I'm reading High Fidelity due to my wonderful little bout with nocturnalism.

"But I was kind and sincere and thoughtful and devoted and I remembered things about her and I told her she was beautiful and bought her little presents that usually referred to a conversation we had had recently. None of this was an effort, of course, and none of it was done with any sense of calculation; I found it easy to remember things about her, because I didn't think about anything else, and I really did think she was beautiful, and I would not have been able to prevent myself from buying her little presents, and I did not have to feign devotion. There was no effort involved."

I had to laugh, it sounds exactly like the male version of me.

The back of the book says fiction.

I'm screwed. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

the perishers

so stoked. nicole brought over her xbox tonight randomly knowing how much i love zombie video games.

we played left4dead for like a solid 4 hours or something.
legit such an awsome surprise.

tomorrow afternoon mccallum's coming back from london. 
haven't seen him since new years. 

plans to go shopping with josh, who i haven't seen since probably october. 
convincing him to buy some classic vans or boat shoes haha

it'll be good to be less of a hermit and just surround myself with good old friends. 
i tend to hide out too often lately.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

visits to boon town

mccallums visiting from london this week!

yay! no more cabin fever!

everything is far away.

Friday, April 16, 2010

everyone needs to see this.

oh hey nightmares


they seem to involve less of this ^

and more "what the hell?" accompanied by the 
realization that it's been an hour of sleep,
i'm more tired than i was before i went to bed,
and that i just had yet another nightmare.

not the most awsome.
only ever having nightmares.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the joke.

men and women break
men and women
deliberately leaving
hulks in madhouses
sedated or
until they die.

cats kill cats at
3 a.m. in the morning
chewing off the front
legs and getting to the
leaving fur
and stiffened bone
for any collector of
garbage and life
past gone.

so many act so kind
and understanding
so many act so educated
and knowing
so many use the word
as if they meant

and too many believe it
when they hear

our chances are violated
by our very desire to

we have got to raise taxes
we have got to feed and
clothe and amuse
all those so many
in the madhouses
who believed in love
when there was so

charles bukowski - 9 - 15 -1975

oh hey antibiotics.

i'm so legitimately sick right now. 
i couldn't even get out of bed to pickup my menswear.
i have no idea how i'm gunna do my judy return..

i really have run myself into the ground.

so much for that illustrator project, bye bye 15% of my grade.

but what else is new :/

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fell & Twitch

So tonight.. well I guess last night was the final menswear show for the third years. I'm not exactly stoked on the photos I got of my outfit, or the fact that the model never took off the cardigan, so my best piece didn't get shown. No matter.. Connor's gunna model it for me so I can get some good shots for my portfolio. I'm getting Lindsey to come over to model my Edward Gorey-esque winter coat today so I can get some photos of that too. Kristina's going to do the hair and makeup.

I dunno, one more skirt to design and make by monday, and an illustrator project due thursday and my summer officially starts. I guess that's something.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

keep track

things i gotta do:

sleep an hour or two if i can.

finish the menswear illustrations.

throw together some powerpoint presentation.

get my texting fixed on my phone.

finish construction details.

seam rip the blazer.

design that skirt.

make that skirt.

do that illustration project.

i need some days like this.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

we were a stroke of luck,

we were a gold mine, 
they gutted us.

well i did my best.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

i bought pants today.

actually a huge deal. sadly. hahaha

jill didn't believe me when i told her.

i think alot of people will actually be shocked which is hilarious. i haven't worn pants in like 3 years.

picked them up from urban outfitters. so comfy. 6% spandex or something like that. what can i say, i need them to fit like tights if i'm gunna get around to wearing pants. why sacrifice the comfort? i'm perfectly ok with super stretchy fabrics when i'm not sewing 'em. hahaha

old snow patrol never lets me down.

i don't really know what it is but whenever i'm bummed out this song always makes me feel better. 
i guess i just find it cute that someone could write it about someone else. 
i dunno, i guess that makes me hopeful. 
lame? maybe. 
but i don't really care.

while i'm on the subject i might as well throw up run too. hot damn i love old snow patrol.

pretty little things.

Monday, April 5, 2010

make lists, try to stick to the plan.

things i gotta do today:

sleep an hour or two if i can.

finish the menswear illustrations.

throw together some powerpoint presentation.

get my texting fixed on my phone.

finish construction details.

seam rip the blazer.

design that skirt.

... 4 out of 7 is good enough for me today.

oh conor, so hopeful.

There was this book I read and loved
The story of a ship
Who sailed around the world and found
That nothing else exists
Beyond its own two sails
And wooden shell 
And what is held within
All else is sure to pass
We clutch and grasp
And debate what's truly permanent
But when the wind starts to shift
There's no argument

I sing and drink and sleep on floors
And try hard not to be annoyed
By all these people worrying about me
So when I'm suffering through some awful drive
You occasionally cross my mind
It's my hidden hope that you are still among them
Well, are you?


huh, so do deadlines.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

oh hey summer

i honestly don't know what i would have done without my friends this week.
especially kristen and jill.
proving yet again it's good to know great people.

i didn't want to go to bed, and i didn't want to stay up late.

I wonder if it's bad how this has basically described me since high school. 
and still does. 
either way, I still love it. 

I guess I just find it comforting.

I didn't go to work for a month

I didn't leave my bed for eight days straight

I haven't hung out with anyone

'Cause if I did, I'd have nothing to say
I didn't feel angry or depressed
I didn't feel anything at all
I didn't want to go to bed
And I didn't want to stay up late

When you're living your life, 


that's the price you pay

Whenever I breathe out, you're breathing it in

Whenever I speak out, you're taking it in you, now

I'm feeling this positive/negative, positive/negative

I didn't go to work for a month
I didn't leave my bed for eight days straight
I haven't hung out with anyone
'Cause if I did, I'd have nothing to say

Saturday, April 3, 2010

i'll take that to go..

sooo wokeup at 9am even tho i went to bed at 4am. not sure how that works out but i definitely went back to sleep and wouldn't wakeup til like 2pm, when my dad randomly walked into my room and asked me how i was doing, and why i wasn't going to easter dinner. i mumbled something about too much homework and went back to sleep. i don't think he's ever even seen my room.

decided i was gunna just crash the couch today until i realized how depressing it is to sit at home alone all day watching tv. so i bbm'd lindsey and found out her and cody were at java drinking pitchers. got my shit together and headed over. i don't know how i managed it but i haven't seen the sun in two days. had a pint and got some pad thai to go.

got home, watched tv ate some pad thai, and got a call from jill. i was gunna go to the dogs bullocks with her til i realized i have no energy, it was super windy and i was supposed to have my illustrations done today..

so she came over for a bit. we took some shots of tequila and she headed over to the bar.

now i'm just sleepy.

i won't ever be happy again.

An apple fell and it taught us all
We are chained here to the ground
So, I mean, here we go, but there ain't no escape
These streets are just dead ends
So I won't ever be happy again
Now it seems that you too see a painful blue
When you stare into the sky
You could never understand
The movement of a hand waving goodbye
But as the story goes, or it is often told
A new day will arise
But until that time I think I had better find
Some disbelief to suspend
Because I don't want to feel like this again 

classy plastic lumber

today was one of the better days so far.

more to come.