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Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Disappear Completely.

I feel like this summer has just consisted of interning like crazy. I haven't felt this lost and displaced in a long time. Probably the whole moving from the street I've spent the past 3 years living on to a totally random part of town, working like crazy then interning like mad with no break in between.. And now I'm stuck realizing I've got a month to go before the biggest task I've taken on in years is directly ahead of me. 

I need to make appointments to shop for fabric, get my inspiration/mood boards for my collection printed off and done, my 30 designs on paper, maybe figure out how I'm going to go about draping & sewing 5 french lace neck corsets on top of my entire collection..

Maybe sleep.

Maybe focus on not feeling so scattered and awful all the time.

I'm gunna spend August focusing on myself, I really need to prepare myself for the next 8 months of insanity. Essentially I'm gunna go MIA.

Here's some inspiration for my collection I've got so far:
(Yeah, it's gunna be weird. 
But since when do I not design with a twisted dark sense of humour?)


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