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Sunday, November 21, 2010

It doesn't matter where, just drive.

I'm so much more confusing as the rest of 'em.

Probably why I can't focus on anything.

All I know is my desire to get out is becoming exceptionally apparent. 

I need a change.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

new york purchases (so far)

this bag looks SO much better in person. I promise. haha

things they were completely sold out of/ I now need to buy online :(

so so sad they were sold out of these, I tried on a different pattern at least in the same style to make sure I'm ordering the right size. I'm absolutey in love with these shoes. They're even more gorgeous in person.

these too! Totally sold out of my size. Online it is..

surprisingly this was sold out too. How??? haha
At least I got one of the scarves I'm determined to have.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Sunday, November 7, 2010

So here's the plan.

Ok so here's how my mind works.

What do I want to buy (which ends up in a huge list of things, like my previous post.)

Then I have to think about what I can buy in value village etc that will look exactly like what I want, or what I can easily pattern draft and sew myself.

Then I have to think about what I can buy here in Toronto, and what I can't.

Alas, here is my list of things I will for sure be buying whilst in New York. Most of it is from Topshop, actually all of it is except for the bag, which they seem to only have in the Urban Outfitters in NY.

I'm tempted to buy that jacket from Oak, but it's 500 bucks and I can totally just make my own for probably about 300.. Plus, I haven't sewn in months and wanted to make myself a winter jacket.. seems like a good project for the winter break.

I have to keep in mind that I want to stock up on some serious vintage pieces like rings etc from amazing shops while in New York too, so saving that $$ I'd be spending on that wool jacket and spending it on things like that will work out excellent in the end. :D

I'll take one of everything please.

better idea for pajama pants?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

no sleep til

Definitely took a glance at my calendar today and realized I'm going to NYC so so soon.

So stoked, but this song is so fitting because I actually have so much work to do ahead of time so I'm not screwed when I get back.

Regardless, this is going to be amazing. I'm so stoked. I think I can deal with listening to this song when I don't get to sleep due to my homework overload this week. :)