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Sunday, July 31, 2011

A lot of people are overrated.

Don't be one of them.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Never gets old.

Rocky horror is done saturday night, 
and then I plan on being MIA for a while, who knows how long.

I need to get my head straight.

Every decision I've been making feels like the wrong one.
The best intentions will get you nowhere.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Everything Is Strange.

Someone tried to convince me last night that you choose to see the world through the eyes of a misanthropist. Or you can "choose to watch the sun rise and just be happy with everything" (or something like that).

I told him I wished he was a pill.
To which he laughed and said "I don't think I'm FDA approved."

And then we watched a girl go home with a boy who isn't the one she's dating.

People are strange.

I think I'll stick with my misanthropic views, 
at least they're consistently proven right.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Most People Are Like This.

"Yeah well, that's the thing. The reason people get together now is because they think they're looking for similarly broken people. We communicate nowadays through damage. But fortunately for you, she's fake damaged - and she's gonna leave you, and have a better life with some dope like her who just pretends to be all fucked up. Girls only like the really fucked up guy for the first few months. They prefer fake broken. Complicated, but like, talk about it over chardonnay complicated."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Of These Is Not Like The Other.

I was never good at blending in..

How To Disappear Completely.

I feel like this summer has just consisted of interning like crazy. I haven't felt this lost and displaced in a long time. Probably the whole moving from the street I've spent the past 3 years living on to a totally random part of town, working like crazy then interning like mad with no break in between.. And now I'm stuck realizing I've got a month to go before the biggest task I've taken on in years is directly ahead of me. 

I need to make appointments to shop for fabric, get my inspiration/mood boards for my collection printed off and done, my 30 designs on paper, maybe figure out how I'm going to go about draping & sewing 5 french lace neck corsets on top of my entire collection..

Maybe sleep.

Maybe focus on not feeling so scattered and awful all the time.

I'm gunna spend August focusing on myself, I really need to prepare myself for the next 8 months of insanity. Essentially I'm gunna go MIA.

Here's some inspiration for my collection I've got so far:
(Yeah, it's gunna be weird. 
But since when do I not design with a twisted dark sense of humour?)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sad, But Endearingly So.

Henry: I've spent my whole life wanting something and doing my very best not to find it. Never even going near the places it might be, and suddenly I got the god damn thing practically chained around my neck.
Lucy: What are you talking about?
Henry: You, you're the god damned thing. 

Dedication (2007)
You should watch it. I always do when I'm bummed out. It seems to help.

I guess I just have a strange attachment to characters that just can't seem to get it right.

Monday, July 11, 2011

They Write Books About This Sort Of Thing.

There's nothing quite like a super cute dress/jumper for summer. You can be casual and not sloppy, comfy in the heat and don't really have to think too much about an entire outfit. Because honestly, when it's 35 out do you really want to be wearing too many layers? With these you can easily wrap around a silk/lightweight scarf around your neck or head without feeling like an idiot (toques in the summer, anyone?).

Pair these with some sweet flats or oxfords and you're on your way!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I've got it all, most
I've got it all almost all figured out
But always when I get there
Always when I get there all the pieces they just fall apart

I can't hear you
I can't hear you talk about your dreams involving me
I don't believe
I don't believe that they are any sort of prophecy at all

What a shock, it's Mr. Sweet and Awful
Well, don't look so pissed off 
We all lose the plot occasionally

How consistent
How can someone so consistently mess up 
As much as every instance?
How can someone inconsistent 
Mess up so consistently?

Ten Different Directions.

I'm far too scatterbrained for my own good.

I want to do far too many things at one time.
I can't sit still, or sleep.
I don't ever want to feel like I'm wasting time.
I feel like I waste too much time. But I'm always busy.

Yet all I really want to do is hangout and watch The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.

So why can't I?

Pintsized Midnight Teacups.

Awful days turn into better nights thanks to the best people!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pretty Things I Like.

all of the above are currently available at Topshop.