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Thursday, June 30, 2011

in the direction of the moon.

I don't remember the last time I slept through the night. It's been at least a month. Instead I find myself napping during the day, successfully missing any opportunity to not be a hermit or do anything productive (if I'm not at internship at least).

During that time? Well, I spend a lot of time listening to music. Some you can find linked below. :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Get Inspired!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I fell in love with a pair of frames.

As you probably know, I've been on a search for the perfect frames.

I think I'm in love.

They're legit vintage frames (circa 1950, never worn), made my a company popular in the 1950's called Imperial Optical.
This particular model is the "Duchess Libby Brown Fade". It's made of aluminum and plastic, with etched gold detailing at the brows. Gorgeous? Yes.

Originally I found a darker model: 

but ended up loving the lighter version (see the difference above) because I feel like it's more approachable and less overbearing. Since cat eye glasses are so dramatic in their silhouette, the last thing I wanted was something crazy distracting. Especially since I've taken a liking to lipsticks in bright colours (Helloooo Russian Red!). Having said that, I still wanted you to notice the glasses and their gorgeous detailing - with the frames still looking clean and feminine. Since I already have black hair, and have a pair of dark large rimmed frames as it is, I decided to change it up with these light brown/gold combos. It's a neutral, and I feel like the lighter version is more friendly looking. Cat eye glasses have a tendency to look angry to me haha

I wanted to find a pair that were vintage, flattering and still pretty. I think I found them!

Here's to hoping this works out! I'm tired of walking around blind!

I need sleep.

and better reasons to get up in the morning.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Red lips black hearts.

I've recently become completely obsessed with red lips. So much so that I actually went out and bought a MAC Bullet of my own. Russian Red, their most popular red has a more bluish tint. I love it. I love the way red lips instantly make you look put together. You could be wearing a tshirt and jeans and with bright red lips it looks like you actually tried.

I bought a cremestick along with the bullet, as the last thing I want (and probably what kept me from trying the whole red lip thing for so long) is the lipstick to feather, or look wonky.

I bought a cremestick instead of a regular lipliner pencil because I heard it lasts longer/works better with the lipstick! So far so good :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Disappeared for a little while there.